High Hang Clean Triple (no dropping)
-20 mins to work to tough set (285)
10 Minute EMOM
Odd: 7 strict tempo shoulder press @135
Even: 14 (quality slow) pistols
For time:
Row 500
50 Wallballs
Row 400
40 Wallballs
Row 300
30 Wallballs
Row 200
20 Wallballs
Row 100
10 Wallballs
(11:30 or 12:30 couldn't remember)
I had the privilege to train with my older brother Thad today. It's alway enjoyable to have others to work along side you. If nothing else (and there's tons else), CrossFit has given several individuals (including myself) a common connection with each other on a deeper level than just thrusters and kipping pullups. There's an immediate understanding amongst the community knowing that they've struggled as you've struggled. It's uniquely similar to the connection developed within the church. Kinda cool......
I'm still not doing any type of pulling, so I worked from the high hang today on cleans. This progression helps with speed, commitment, and stability under the bar. I struggle with all 3, so I've spent lots of time working progressions in this area..... it also was stress free on my shoulder! Also, unless I'm doing clusters, I always try to maintain grip on the bar in between reps (not dropping it). I think this develops strength and stability through eccentric loading, (not to mention crazy grip strength by re-gripping and resetting each rep)...
Typically I'll superset a push and pull, but without the ability to pull I added in some skill work w pistols. I hate them and I'm terrible at them, so I figured I'd at least try to improve the mechanics by going slow down(eccentrically) and develop some stability.
For the workout the goal was to go unbroken and maintain at least a 1:45 split on the rower. Goals accomplished, and felt I maybe could have maintained a little faster pace on the rower....Maybe.lol...
Proverbs 15
A soft answer turns away wrath,
But a harsh word stirs up anger.
2 The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly,
But the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness.
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