Hatch squat program
4 rounds:
100m shuttle sprint
20 KBS
20 Thrusters
Rest 1:1
And we're off!!! Seems like I've said that before, but hopefully this time I'm a little more accountable w a blog. After starting this site about a year ago w great ambitions, hopes, and dreams, lol things just kinda came to a halt for some reason. Probably all the writing........ I do hope to track as much as I can on here though for this next "training year" and so forth... Basically, my thoughts on daily training and life.
Today was my first day of training for the "2014 regionals"!lol Kinda..... After experiencing everything down there this year, my goal from now on will be to get back. And hopefully some of my training pals will join me!!
Everything felt great today! I did some oly work, which has been a huge focus, and will continue to be..... You can be really good at Olympic lifting, but really bad at CrossFit, but there is ABSOLUTELY no way you can be considered REALLY great at CrossFit, but be bad at olympic lifting. I felt pretty good working to 220# from high hang, and for the first time didn't crank my pelvis on the bar!! I tend to do that usually w "high hang" work.
Then to the squats...I love the "Hatch Squat" program I'm doing. It's allowing me to spend alot of time under the bar wout going ridiculously heavy every week........The conditioning today felt pretty good as well. I love when rest is prescribed. It allows for full exertion during time of work knowing that rest follows.
Also, I had the great pleasure of working w 2 others today. Jarvis and Dayna were kind enough to partake in both the strength and conditioning work w me!! This is very unusual for me, as I'm typically a "lone wolf" when I train... Jarvis hit a new PR on his backsquat, and then laced em up for what was round 2 of conditioning for him. & Daynerz followed right along beside me in all the oly work, squatting, and conditiong today. Did I mention she's a mother of 2??? I love it!
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