Monday, June 24, 2013

Before I knew how to
Deadlift (12 mins to work to heavy 3)
7 deadlifts (335#) rest 1 min

For completion: Swim 20 laps (4 butterfly, 4 back, 4 brea
st, 8 free)

Hatch squat

10 min AMRAP
4 bar muscle up
8 pistols

Snatch + 2 Overhead squats (PR!!!!)
Hatch squat

5 min AMRAP:
80% ME Snatches

Some time has passed since I last posted, and lots of coaching and training has taken place.... Both are pretty awesome!!lol

Last Wednesday I hit the deathlift!  I took about 12 mins and decided to work up to a heavy triple.  I ended up at a solid 405, which is a huge step for me (especially after some major injuries in the past).  God is good.  I feel like I still had some in the tank, but I didn't want to push the envelope...  After a heavy 3, I deadlifted for reps under time constraints.  I'm a firm believer that there should always be some sort of time variable when training.  Otherwise things can get dragged out & seem impractical.

Friday I squatted, got some skill work in, and attempted a workout w some pistols.  I'm not sure any were quality reps, but I gave it a shot.  The 6pm class and myself had some fun practicing more pistols after the workout.  To me, a mechanically sound pistol is one of the most impressive moves w/in CrossFit.  They are tough!

Today, I did a snatch+overhead squat combo and ended up PR'ing my snatch!  I worked to 255# and was able to complete both squats after.  It always feels good to make progressions on big lifts. After squatting and coaching a class, Jarvis, Thad, and myself all did an AMRAP that was all too similar to the open(except much shorter, heavier, and no burpees, lol)....  We did 5 mins of max snatches at 80%. I was able to complete 26 reps at 205, and I'm pretty sure Jarvis and Thad both beat that....

I'm super excited for everyone participating in the upcoming local competitions.  I love competition, and believe it brings out truth in everyone (especially myself).  A basketball coach once told me, "you can learn more about a person in 15 mins of competition, than you can in 3 hours of conversation".  It's true, and it's where positive growth is made......  But regardless of getting better or stronger, the main goal for me is going to be "have some fun".  There are too many great things going on where I'm at.  I'm super fortunate and I'm excited about what the Lord has in store for the Southern Moon family!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Regionals "Jackie" Collapse
Snatch 7x2 (touch & go)
Hatch squat (restart)

15s airdyne EMOM x10

Cleans 7x2 (touch & go)
Strict press 5x5

2 min ME muscle ups
5min AMRAP
50 double unders
15 burpees
2 min ME muscle ups

The past couple days have consisted of some heavy lifting w very little conditioning. Typically I like taking the first part of the week and going heavy and shorter, testing anaerobic capacity.  Then I'll take Friday and Saturday as, aerobic testing days (in a sense it's all testing).  For me, at this time getting stronger (while maintaining conditioning) is my main focus because that is my main weakness.  CrossFit can really expose your weaknesses, and everybody definitely does not have the same weakness.  Overall, it's great to have goals of getting stronger, but I think too often within CrossFit, people can forget the magic of where it all a "metcon".  CrossFit is not olympic lifting.  Nor is it powerlifting.  Nor is it  It's all of these, and that's what makes the sport so great.  I just feel like people need to keep an open mind, and be careful when they say they're CrossFitting because they ran, and then did burpees....  Or they picked up a yoke, and walked 20 feet lol.  You must keep doing new things and challenging yourself to different movements......  The way you're going to get better at things is by doing them!

Monday went great.  I started w doubles on snatch, and really challenged myself going "touch and go" this week.  I worked to 225, and failed at 235.  Multiple heavy oly lifts will wear you out!  I restarted the hatch squat program this time w a max 25lbs higher than previous, so I may be in for a rude awakening days after squatting.  We'll see how it goes...

Tuesday I did the same doubles w cleans.....  And after squatting Monday, my legs were a little tired to say the least....  I worked to 275.  Hit it for one, and then my legs just couldn't handle a 2nd.  Overall though I was very pleased and fortunate.

Hopefully I can get some deadlifting and squats in again before the weekend!  Beach body here we come!!!lol

Monday, June 17, 2013


Hatch squat (last day)

5 full squat cleans (185)
10 pull ups (chest to bar)
15 wall balls
4x400m sprints


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (for completion)
Floor press
Chin up

For time:
Row 500, 50 KBS (70), 50 GHD sit up
Row 400, 40 KBS, 40 GHD
Row 300, 30 KBS, 30GHD
Row 200, 20 KBS, 20 GHD
Row 100, 10 KBS, 10 GHD

The past few days have been a little slow, due to some "nasal irritation" and headache I've been dealing w.  Really it's just a bunch of snot trying to get out of my nose.  Sorry for the image, but you can imagine things being a little difficult when it comes to breathing during workouts w this issue. Anyhow, Friday I was able to train midmorning w my brother.  We squatted, and then did some "medium" timed conditioning.  I say medium, because it wasn't super short, and didn't take too long (about 10 mins.).  My goal going into this was just to keep a solid pace at finish around 10 mins.  I still need to improve on heavier full cleans.  Later that night, after the 6pm class Jarvis and I decided to head to the track in Mauldin and do a few sprints.....  We had no idea what we were in for.  I think I'm still sore from that night.  All out sprints always get my legs, and the 400m ties in lots of lungs as well.  I think everyone should be sprinting once a week.  It's a great way to test endurance, recovery, muscle fatigue, mechanics, etc.....

Saturday afternoons we (Jarvis and I, & anyone else) are typically doing 2 conditioning stints.  1 super short "sprint" or skill test, and 1 longer endurance test. This Saturday we started w some old school floor presses (think bench on the ground) supersetted w strict chin ups.  The goal here was to just move and complete everything unbroken.  I felt like I was at the sportsclub getting an oldschool pump. It's been a while since I've done any type of supine pressing, and it was a surprisingly easy change of pace.  Not sure I could say the same about the next piece......  The rowing, KBS, GHDs was a grinding 24 mins of anterior/posterior It was a much needed week ending workout that lead nicely into a day of rest.

Resting is a very overlooked, underrated part of fitness.  Obviously, without exercise it's hard to argue days "off" of training, but I think it's easy for people to forget that exercise is breaking down your body.  You don't get better because of exercise, you improve w the recovery from the added stimulus of exercise.  I think it's good to remind myself, that wout recovery I can be in a constant state of "training over".  For most, this state would be very difficult to reach, but w slack programming, and constantly going as heavy as possible on lifts you can be setting yourself up for some major setbacks.....  It's always good to step back and refocus your goals and priorities in training anyways.  Plus, bike rides and carrot cake are a must for survival. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

After open 13.5 in F-14

Snatch 8X3(high hang, above knee, hover) rest 60s (missed @ 220)
Hatch squat program

Deadlift (315)
HSPU (deficit)
Airdyne sprints EMOM (15s)X10


Clean 8X3(high hang, above knee, hover) rest 60s (missed 255)
Strict press 5x5(175)

100 burpees for time(4:06 PR!)


Muscle up practice
Handstand practice
Swim 20 laps (not for time)

Laughs for time:

Matt Foley motivational speaker

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Inner Voice


Saturday Morning!
Hatch Squat

3 rounds (not for time)
1 min airdyne
12 pull ups (strict)

Shoulder to overhead (115)
KBS (70)
Burpee over bar


Isabel: 30 Snatches for time (135)


20 min AMRAP
5 bar muscle ups
10 kb snatch
15 GHD situp
1min airdyne

What a great weekend!  I was able to spend lots of time w friends and family, while also getting some work done in the gym.  My brother came into town Friday, so I had the chance to hang out w him for much of his time here.  It's always refreshing to be around family and friends.  Especially when there's alot of laughing involved.......  which there almost always is.  You should never take things too seriously.  Seriously.

On Friday I squatted, did some low intensity work in the afternoon, and then did the metcon w the 6pm class.  I was super pleased w my time in the triplet (5:15) because it was almost a 90s PR from last year.  This was a garage games workout from 2012.

Saturday I was able to get some work in during the afternoon.  I really enjoy Saturdays because there's usually someone else willing to come test some workouts w me.  My brother, Cam, and Jarvis all came out to get some extra weekend work in.  We started w the benchmark workout Isabel.  It is one of the most highly intense workouts in CrossFit.  (shorter time=higher intensity).  I was somewhat pleased w how I finished w this one as well (1:30).  Afterwards we did a longer, lower intensity 20 min AMRAP.  I just tried to go unbroken on everything and keep moving for all 20 mins.

Both workouts were great testers of the mind.  Truly, I think that's a huge part of what makes people love CrossFit.  The mental challenge one faces everyday they approach a workout.  Obviously, it's understood that you must know the proper technique to each movement......  but once that clock counts down it's just you and that inner voice that begins to speak.  Mentally you must have strength.  It's a challenge, and there comes a point in almost every workout when there are 2 options.  To keep going? or stop?  If you can fight through what your body is telling you, and overcome it w the mind, you have succeeded. Success (to me) during a workout isn't usually my time or weight, but rather how I performed mentally.  Did I listen too much to my body and rest when I didn't really need to? or did I pace perfectly for what my body can uphold.  That's the "sweetspot" where all the magic
 And as a believer, this translates to everyday life situations.  Which inner voice am I listening to?  Not just during trials, but everyday decisions.  I have goals, and in order to meet those goals there are everyday actions I must take. (EX: becoming stronger in my faith would mean I MUST spend time in the word)...  It comes down to whether or not you have the self control to stay strong.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Just go to 2 chefs on Pelham & order the "Hudson" lol 
Box squat (7x2)
Mark Bell Skwatts 3x5(good morning, then squat)

20 mins
Odd:  5 deadlifts (335)
Even:  3 muscle ups

1 min ME burpees
1 min rest

Today was a great day leading into some rest.  Lots of barbell work, ending w some cardiac purgatory.  I also had the privilege to work w Dayna again.  It's been a good week.  Thursdays I will row, run, or swim at a low intensity & try to work in some extra mobility.  Since moving, I've been slack w my mobility and need to get better at keeping up.  Many overlook mobility wout realizing that it's a huge aspect of fitness.  I'm a firm believer that better mobility translates to a better athlete (oly lifting, power lifting, gymnastics, real sports lol, etc).  From a basic health perspective, all joints are meant to have full range of motion.  So if it's difficult to keep good spinal positioning during a toe touch, it's going to be extra iffy when you're trying to snatch a barbell off the floor...  Needless to say, I got some time for mobility.

Wednesday's I typically try to go heavier on either squat or deadlift, and then supplement one w the other through conditioning.  So this week I started things off w some box squats.  Usually when I go heavier w squats I'll follow a template similar to the Thompson squat cycle and work in 2s (but only every 3rd week or so).

After squatting, I did the famous Mark Bell Skwatts for some auxiliary work and just really focused on range of motion.  It's amazing the difference it can make if you really zone in on specific, helpful cues during movements..... then came the deathlifting.

I worked in lots of reps w something heavy on the deathlifts, and paired it w some muscle ups.  This got difficult!  Not the muscle ups, but the deadlifts started moving slow and got heavy fast.  Going heavy always challenges form, and it's imperative for me during conditioning to really focus on positioning....  To me, this couplet setup is a classic example of what CrossFit entails.  It's brilliance.  Show me a guy who runs a 5 min mile, and I'll show you someone who deadlifts 500lbs.  Whats's fitness???  Well, w this viewpoint it's all the above....

Dayna and I then did some burpees....  & by some, I mean 100.... in 4 mins.  BOOM!  God is good....

Monday, June 3, 2013

Moved to A

Snatch (1 EMOM x10 @ 80%)
Hatch Squat Program

Aux movement
Corey and I working really hard.
3 rounds (not for time)
10 RDL
10 strict toes 2 bar
1 min handstand hold

12ish min AMRAP
7 Ground to overhead (155)
7 Front squats
7 shoulder to overhead

What a past few days it has been!  Since Friday, my days have consisted of doing whatever it takes to get to the "new gym"....  And we made it happen!!!  Kinda.  We were able to get everything over and install all our equipment, but there's still lots to do.  Everything from rolls of toilet paper to the "Rogue" (reverse hyper) was taken across the parking lot to building A Saturday. Once everything was moved we then installed both rigs w the help of Dennis.  Haha & Dennis is the man.  He'll make your ears bleed, but when it comes time to work, he doesn't play around (which I love).  He spent half a day Saturday installing our wall mounted rig, and all day Sunday helping us w the new infinity rig.  He's quite the hard worker....and I sure love the guy... as long as I'm not hungry or tired when he starts to  

Sunday was such an amazing picture of what CrossFit is all about in A13 to me....  I think Dave put up some type of notice on facebook calling for help to clean the place as we finished installation, and we had more than enough people show up to help do whatever was needed to get that place set to go.  The community at Southern Moon is so serving! It means a lot to me when people are willing to give up their own free time in service to others. "Time" is invaluable, and for everyone that spent theirs w us Sunday, I am very grateful.. And it was all functional like sweeping and.....

Needless to say, training was a little different for the past few days.  I did nothing "gym wise" for the Sat & Sun except move equipment...which I guess I could count those as "rest" days.  So I was excited about getting some work in today.  After such a heavy week last week, I started w some lighter oly technique work.  All 10 snatches felt pretty good.  Typically when I do snatch work, things begin to "click" better the longer I go, so reps 9&10 of this EMOM were feeling great.......  I squatted some, and moved right along to the "death by barbell" metcon.  It may have been the heat I was experiencing, but I think my shoes are still wet from this one.  It beat me up!

Dayna also trained w me today...  And let me just say, she is a champ.  She matched me step for step on everything I did today.  Doing WORK Daynerz!!