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Saturday Morning! |
3 rounds (not for time)
1 min airdyne
12 pull ups (strict)
Shoulder to overhead (115)
KBS (70)
Burpee over bar
Isabel: 30 Snatches for time (135)
20 min AMRAP
5 bar muscle ups
10 kb snatch
15 GHD situp
1min airdyne
What a great weekend! I was able to spend lots of time w friends and family, while also getting some work done in the gym. My brother came into town Friday, so I had the chance to hang out w him for much of his time here. It's always refreshing to be around family and friends. Especially when there's alot of laughing involved....... which there almost always is. You should never take things too seriously. Seriously.
On Friday I squatted, did some low intensity work in the afternoon, and then did the metcon w the 6pm class. I was super pleased w my time in the triplet (5:15) because it was almost a 90s PR from last year. This was a garage games workout from 2012.
Saturday I was able to get some work in during the afternoon. I really enjoy Saturdays because there's usually someone else willing to come test some workouts w me. My brother, Cam, and Jarvis all came out to get some extra weekend work in. We started w the benchmark workout Isabel. It is one of the most highly intense workouts in CrossFit. (shorter time=higher intensity). I was somewhat pleased w how I finished w this one as well (1:30). Afterwards we did a longer, lower intensity 20 min AMRAP. I just tried to go unbroken on everything and keep moving for all 20 mins.
Both workouts were great testers of the mind. Truly, I think that's a huge part of what makes people love CrossFit. The mental challenge one faces everyday they approach a workout. Obviously, it's understood that you must know the proper technique to each movement...... but once that clock counts down it's just you and that inner voice that begins to speak. Mentally you must have strength. It's a challenge, and there comes a point in almost every workout when there are 2 options. To keep going? or stop? If you can fight through what your body is telling you, and overcome it w the mind, you have succeeded. Success (to me) during a workout isn't usually my time or weight, but rather how I performed mentally. Did I listen too much to my body and rest when I didn't really need to? or did I pace perfectly for what my body can uphold. That's the "sweetspot" where all the magic
And as a believer, this translates to everyday life situations. Which inner voice am I listening to? Not just during trials, but everyday decisions. I have goals, and in order to meet those goals there are everyday actions I must take. (EX: becoming stronger in my faith would mean I MUST spend time in the word)... It comes down to whether or not you have the self control to stay strong.
Love the ending!