Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What a Whitey!

Deadlift 5x5
My Uncle & I in West Palm.  I'm so tan....

3 muscle up every 30s (5mins)
Airdyne: 30s @85% 30s @20% (15mins)

Wednesday is in the books!! Why so enthused you may ask???lol because it has been a HEAVY past 3 days "lifting wise" for me.  And tomorrow I'm off.  Haha, don't get me wrong, I love it, but Thursday will be a much needed day wout a barbell.  The CNS is feeling it!

Today, I had the opportunity to work in w a few collegiate student athletes that are training w us for the summer.  It was great! We pulled out some bars and got to deadlifting! I wanted to get lots of work in w some decently heavy weight. I worked up quickly to 365 and stayed there for all 5 sets.  I like to take lots of time between sets & really focus-in when I'm going heavy.  Unfortunately, that was all I was able to get done for the morning.  Speed was decent though, and I'm feeling more and more confident in approaching higher weight....  but 5x5 across is no joke!

I was able to get some light conditioning/skillwork in this afternoon though.  I did my usual rings routine and hit every rep for the 30! (only the 3rd time), and then rode an airdyne for some mild/noncontact work.....  & by mild/noncontact, I mean awful!  I tried not to push the envelope, but those bicycles catch you quick!  All in all it was a solid day.  Hopefully I'm able to play some ball or do something active outside the gym tomorrow.....

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tough....but rewarding.

15 mins to work to heavy (high hang) Clean & Jerk

1st competition 3 months in
(notice the J's!)

Hypertrophy work
5x5 clean high pulls EMOM
3x5 strict press EMOM

20 burpees
40 toes 2 bar
20 burpees
40 cal row
20 burpees
40 c2b pull ups
20 burpees

Had a tough, but rewarding day of training today.  I've been somewhat following Rudy Nielson's olympic programming for the past month or so leading into regionals (thinking it would help) and I've been pleasantly pleased w the progress.  Really what has happened is I've been forced to oly lift.  Previously I'd just kinda conjur up my own "power clean" and "power snatch" work (which I'd still progress in), and only do it once a week or so.  So this has forced me to practice full lifts almost 3 times a week.  (This has also overflown into SMCF programming).  I think it's kinda funny to hear big time exercisers (which are usually a joke to begin w) say, "I started following the Outlaw Way and I put 50lbs on my snatch.  He's brilliant!".  When in reality you better be putting up some big time improvements if you go from never oly lifting, to all of a sudden only focusing on oly lifting.....  Anyways.

I spent some time working up to a heavy single on "high hang" clean & jerk.  Working from the "high hang" postition is always a challenge because it forces you to immediately commit to dropping under the weight.....  and for me, committing under heavy weight is a struggle!! I'm getting better though. I hit 275 for a single....

I also added some hypertrophy/auxillary work w high clean pulls and strict presses.  Both felt fine, but I definitely was a little smoked from going so heavy (for me) on the clean and jerk.

Conditioning for me right now is just kinda "whatever".  I'm trying to cut back a bit.... Alot of what I'll follow comes from Outlaw of OPT w my own little touch on it.  It's hard to "religiously" follow someone else's program when they have no idea what your strengths, weaknesses, and schedule are...  I just need to make sure I get really uncomfortable for a short period of time....and anything w burpees usually accomplishes that. I finished this just under 11mins as I was pacing myself on the pull up bar, so my hands can fully heal.

Monday, May 27, 2013

"Another, Different Phase"


10X1 high hang snatch (w 60s rest)
Hatch squat program


4 rounds:
100m shuttle sprint
20 KBS
20 Thrusters
Rest 1:1

And we're off!!!  Seems like I've said that before, but hopefully this time I'm a little more accountable w a blog.  After starting this site about a year ago w great ambitions, hopes, and dreams, lol things just kinda came to a halt for some reason.  Probably all the writing........  I do hope to track as much as I can on here though for this next "training year" and so forth...  Basically, my thoughts on daily training and life.

Today was my first day of training for the "2014 regionals"!lol  Kinda.....  After experiencing everything down there this year, my goal from now on will be to get back.  And hopefully some of my training pals will join me!!

Everything felt great today!  I did some oly work, which has been a huge focus, and will continue to be.....  You can be really good at Olympic lifting, but really bad at CrossFit, but there is ABSOLUTELY no way you can be considered REALLY great at CrossFit, but be bad at olympic lifting.  I felt pretty good working to 220# from high hang, and for the first time didn't crank my pelvis on the bar!!  I tend to do that usually w "high hang" work.

Then to the squats...I love the "Hatch Squat" program I'm doing.  It's allowing me to spend alot of time under the bar wout going ridiculously heavy every week........The conditioning today felt pretty good as well.  I love when rest is prescribed.  It allows for full exertion during time of work knowing that rest follows.

Also, I had the great pleasure of working w 2 others today.  Jarvis and Dayna were kind enough to partake in both the strength and conditioning work w me!!  This is very unusual for me, as I'm typically a "lone wolf" when I train...  Jarvis hit a new PR on his backsquat, and then laced em up for what was round 2 of conditioning for him.  & Daynerz followed right along beside me in all the oly work, squatting, and conditiong today.  Did I mention she's a mother of 2???  I love it!