Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What a Whitey!

Deadlift 5x5
My Uncle & I in West Palm.  I'm so tan....

3 muscle up every 30s (5mins)
Airdyne: 30s @85% 30s @20% (15mins)

Wednesday is in the books!! Why so enthused you may ask???lol because it has been a HEAVY past 3 days "lifting wise" for me.  And tomorrow I'm off.  Haha, don't get me wrong, I love it, but Thursday will be a much needed day wout a barbell.  The CNS is feeling it!

Today, I had the opportunity to work in w a few collegiate student athletes that are training w us for the summer.  It was great! We pulled out some bars and got to deadlifting! I wanted to get lots of work in w some decently heavy weight. I worked up quickly to 365 and stayed there for all 5 sets.  I like to take lots of time between sets & really focus-in when I'm going heavy.  Unfortunately, that was all I was able to get done for the morning.  Speed was decent though, and I'm feeling more and more confident in approaching higher weight....  but 5x5 across is no joke!

I was able to get some light conditioning/skillwork in this afternoon though.  I did my usual rings routine and hit every rep for the 30! (only the 3rd time), and then rode an airdyne for some mild/noncontact work.....  & by mild/noncontact, I mean awful!  I tried not to push the envelope, but those bicycles catch you quick!  All in all it was a solid day.  Hopefully I'm able to play some ball or do something active outside the gym tomorrow.....

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