Saturday, July 12, 2014

1 Year & 3 Posts Later......

Saturday 7/12/14
Quan, Joel, and I ecstatic about our placement in
Front Squat
-12 Minutes to build to tough single (335)

EMOM 1@365x5
E2MOM 1@365x5
1 set max reps w 80% of 365

15 Minutes Sled Drag @ 185

Numbers this week!
-3 rep hang clean @ 285
-15 unbroken reps deadlift @365
-125 burpees in 5 minutes

Regionals, injuries, and no reps.....

Much time has past since my last entree, and my initial purpose in starting w this blog was to track training throughout the year leading into the CrossFit Open, possibly Regionals (Lord willing), and any other events done throughout the year.  I'm going to try to get back on it and not let too much emotional get into my writing......  (The majority of the time this will be just training)

For some reason, people in the exercise world (including myself at times) don't like to share what goes into training for this thing called CrossFit..... which has developed into the greatest strength and conditioning program on the planet, as well as a sport (in fitness).

So this will be my attempt to consistently track what I do as a Coach/Athlete in prep throughout my year of training for CrossFit......  My end goal is to "overreach" my genetic potential while glorifying my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ each day I coach/train.
Getting "no repped" on a wall ball 


Recently, I've had a major "flare up" from an old shoulder injury in college when I played basketball. It happened when I just returned from 2 wrist surgeries and was super excited about being back on the court.  We just started Summer B, which meant class, weights, pickup ball, and night life.  What else could you ask for?  Well, lots of old Gator players would come back into town to train during the summers, and at this particular time Taurean Green was back in town playing pick up with us.  Unsure of how he got by me, being I was so quick laterally lol (I was the possibly the slowest guard on the team) I reached out my unproportionally large left arm to stop him.  It didn't stop him, and it felt like my left arm was ripped off.....  It was a torn labrum.

All that said,  I have been extremely fortunate to this point in my exercising life to not have any major issues w it until these past few weeks.  That being the case, my training will look much different and will cater to zero arm use for the next week or so. #asscheekdevelopment

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